​NuScale Supplier FAQ's

What is NuScale's Supplier and Contractor Registry

  • This registry is for Suppliers, Contractors and other Organizations interested in or already working with NuScale.  The information provided will be kept within NuScale's internal database for future reference and consideration.

What the Supplier Registry is

  • It lets us know you are interested in working with NuScale.
  • It provides NuScale with your Company's information.

 What the Supplier Registry is not

  • It is not an RFQ, RFP or bidding system.  No bid opportunities will be available directly from this site.
  • It is not a confirmed qualification system.  Creating a profile does not ensure that your company has been qualified for work with NuScale.  Certificates and proof of conformance will be confirmed directly with a Supplier during the RFP process and prior to the official award of a procurement.